The Source – Our reserve of energy and miracles!

  The human spirituality has one common goal. Regardless of differences in race, color or language, there is one human highness available to all. One spiritual highness where all cultural differences, social barometers and social disagreements become null and void once reached out to.

This state is just a different outlook; it is a new way of looking at things lying beyond all words and conventions of all races and cultures, and is placed at a position that is not claimed by any human sub-group – such as American or Chinese, or Christian or Islam. 

But do we get to learn about such a human spiritual goal in the world today? 

Hardly, if at all. 

 Rather we see that the spiritual world is something divided by ethnicity and religion. A certain religious culture has one spiritual goal while the other one has a totally different contradictory looking one. 

We hear contentions among these divided spiritual groups. Spirituality has become quite as versatile among cultures as clothes they wear. An alleged higher goal of one culture  is scoffed at and ridiculed by another, most of the time the definitions of these goals do not leave space for integration of them to another, leaving a permanent conflict among different cultures in their alleged higher spirituality. 

Is mass-delusion a reality? This is it in its full swing. Unfortunately the religious endeavors in today’s world have ended up being just agents of mass-delusion. Huge amounts of money and resources are pumped to these institutions just to maintain a divisive spirituality that divides and causes unrest and violence in the course of protecting their alleged ‘values’ from others.

All this when the truth is hidden away and is ever hardly talked about by any authoritative agent. 

The truth is – The ultimate human spiritual goal is not culturally or racially dependent but it is completely human. Just like human anatomy is not different from one culture to another, and the composition of blood and other biological factors are the same across all races and cultures, the spiritual higher ground attainable to all humans is the same to all, it does not vary dependent on their superficial cultural differences. 

However developed today’s science and technology is, and however liberal our societies may be, this simple truth still remains something far-fetched to many. Many would still think twice before accepting this fact if they are ready to accept it at all.

 Therefore it is important to open up a discussion on the common ground of all religions and how we can reconcile them all in higher spiritual realm. This is urgently needed as THAT exactly is meant to be the original message of all religions! And this message has been enough distorted by their followers and devotees in their ignorance and confusion. 

I call it the ‘source’ of all religions and I am dedicated to clearing it up for as many people as there are who are rational enough to see it. And I invite you also to join as we all are beings of this ONENESS at the core.


  1. John says, "Chaminda this is a good article. A succinct clarion call! Our words differ but in the higher realm of the higher intelligence, we are one in the One-ness."

    1. Thanks John! I got some good feedback from some facebook audience as well.


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