The Greatest High - Content Within

Hi My Friends, 

Are the fancy things that we are after really worth our trouble?

As far as we do not own the fancy objects, they hold their charm; and once gotten hold of, don’t we quickly lose our interest in them?


Think of the best moments so far in your life, were they in the midst of pomp and revel or simply in the ease of being yourself?

My friends, to get the best of our time, we do not really need to go after fancy objects!

Being friends with our inner self is the best achievement we can make to get the best out of time.

When you are friends with your self – no matter where you are you can keep having the best of your life’s moments.

Not only when you are happy but even when you are unhappy.


Being friends with yourself, my friends, is an ancient art. There were people in the past who made friends with themselves and kept their reputation until today.

The Buddha, Jesus or any other who penetrated through to the reality are those who made friends with themselves.

Their lives were filled with meaning and joy coming from getting the key to unlock the greatest treasure trove available in one.

My friends, if any human achieved the ultimate goal in the past, present or future, this goal is one and only experience and nothing different from each other.

Do not be misled by the seemingly irreconcilable differences there appear to be among the sayings of those who achieved it. And do not listen to their followers who cling on to these differences to divide themselves, because the reality is indeed very deeply buried, like the most precious gem hidden even more unreachably than any physical gem, and it requires unimaginable reconciliation to see the gem of reality in one.

And this reality is a human phenomenon, even extendable to all sentient beings, and there is one and only reality known by all great men in the past and present.

As for irreconcilable differences among their followers, my friends, nothing is irreconcilable in the great reality and the most adverse of attributes come together hand in hand in there, therefore when you see it, you will know everything and everyone talk about the same however different they may appear in the outside.

Now this great treasure is not lost from the world, it is present even today for those who are courageous to reach it.

It requires an adventure to get to it, something more than required by a modern day extreme sport.

This is because we are talking about unearthing a well hidden gem and it rightfully requires great planning and industry.

The great adventure to  take up is totally personal, and one has to work  alone in oneself to unearth one’s treasure trove.

A second has little to offer although it may be helpful in the earlier stages. The final stages of the path are more and more subjective. 

Even if you lack the courage to reach to the deeper levels required to see the reality, you can still try your luck, because on the way to the great gem, the path is still filled with minor stones of preciousness.

These stones can buy you unity. The more unity you buy, the more unified you will see the world.

The more unified you see it, the more at home you will be wherever you are and the more creative you will be to share the meaning with the others.  

The simple things will give you the greatest pleasure as equally as any fancy objects.

Those who are with an instinct towards unity will be there to help you as well as to get help from you and you will emanate a sense of unity among those around you.

How can you take on this adventure?

Create an interest in you for the good things in life, look for the essence not for their outer wrapping.

Study and get the best from the great men who have gotten to the reality in the past; learn only for the purpose of increasing of insight, not for surpassing another with your knowledge.

Many recommend a form of self- restraint;  it is a helpful form to see your inner working since we are talking about conquering oneself;  but it is helpful in a totally subjective sense.

Self-restraint without wisdom is useless; therefore it should be coupled with a keen sense of investigation, otherwise it will only be self-torture.

The key point in the path is sense of investigation, and that alone is able to take you to the goal provided you have a bunch of it.

It is like a computer game where the hero has many lives. Each time sense of investigation discovers an enemy blocking the path, it dies and it has to be revived again. 

Discovering the enemy is same as finding a minor gem.

The enemies are those posing as friends, not outside but in our own interior. A simple rule to know is anything posing as a friend or wholesome is an enemy.

 You may ask, how about those posing as enemies and unwholesome? Are they friends? Well, they are enemies too, and easily noticeable.

I wish you all taking up the path to get to the level where all differences become one.

Thanks my friends and see you in another writing pointing towards reality!

Good Luck!


  1. Hi, From here, thanks for the reference.

  2. Hi Qifa! Thanks for visiting !

    Here is something I picked up from your newest post -

    ''This life that we make for ourselves will be distinct and uniquely different from the life of others and you don't have to look far to see the contrast.'' (

    I may come to this at one point!

    Thanks and good luck!


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