That Peaceful Abode life hides in all of us- The Reality
Hi my friends, This may sound too simple, but I want to introduce you to the reality!
Reality which is present in you, in me, and everything in
the nature.
Seeing the reality is the greatest achievement we
can make
in a life time. It is the greatest friend and the most trustworthy
companion we
can have. All our endeavors are finally aimed at this end. All our
efforts are but results of our unconscious longing to see this one
thing, the reality.
Reality is not beyond our fun, not against what we enjoy, not
against the good things in life. (So don't be discouraged by hearing different priests saying you need to stop doing this or that to get to the ultimate goal- the reality)
Reality gives new meaning to your enjoyments and it gives new meaning
to you.
To find this new meaning you of course need to find out the reality
If you are not happy in your life, and you feel caught in an unending round, this means you are away from the reality.
If you find the reality, you will
know how valuable you are and everything around you.
With a series of some short writings, I want to help you discover that great
achievement available to you to completely solve the puzzle of our life's endeavors.
You may ask. ‘ Do I not know the reality already?’
My friends, let us take a good look at what we know as
A simple example is, when you see a door half open, one of you
will say its half open and another will say its half closed! Both are reporting
their own reality.
Ask from someone how the weather is , one will say it is
good and another it is bad, and both tell the reality.
In the world we see some fighting for war, while some others fight for peace,
how is both possible?
My friends, reality has many faces, many different and
contradictory faces, it is not easy to know all of them at the same time.
Although we do not know all its faces, we certainly know some of them,
knowing some, can we say we know the reality?
Knowing only some faces, we know only part of the reality.
Knowing part of the reality
is okay but to take it as the whole reality
as we do my friends, is not okay.
A friend asks you for directions to the pharmacy, and if you
give only half of the directions, it will not help him.
When you want to make a cake if you only knew part of the
recipe, you will not end up baking that wonderful cake.
And when you sit for an exam, if you knew only part of the
answers, you will have to regret at the results.
The same way my friends knowing part of reality, does not lead us anywhere.
But that’s exactly what we do!
We think we know what
others think when the reality is we have no idea of what others are thinking.
Someone can be a hero to us, but to another a criminal.
Something can be trivial to us, but important to another.
We are convinced what we do is right, but is everyone convinced what we do is right?
We are convinced what we do is right, but is everyone convinced what we do is right?
My friends, Unfortunately by nature we are doomed to live in
our partial realities!
Making up a partial reality is easy, but it is unfortunately subject to some dire
These consequences make a partial reality dangerous to own because we are never sure
where it may lead us to.
What dire consequences can a partial reality have?
As some simple examples - A partial reality can sometimes
make us see the life which is the greatest treasure we own as something worthless!
Another man is the best friend we can have, a partial reality
can make us perceive him as an enemy.
Time is an invaluable resource we have, a partial reality can
make us squander it for nothing.
Our activities hide divinity in them and a partial reality prevents
us from recognizing the hidden meaning in them.
In other words, it is too easy for a partial reality to
devastate a whole life!
Whether we are aware or unaware, this is what
partial realities do to us. They destroy our valuables, behind our back, until
we come to a point to realize we have squandered all our opportunities.
Partial realities cause havoc everywhere you see them, every
day, and it is too clear in front of our eyes.
So how is one to conform to complete reality?
My friends, the good thing is, in all its magnanimity, the
complete reality is for everyone to realize.
It is a wonderful place where black and white come together,
where light and darkness merge, and where both good and bad find their place hand
in hand.
It however takes a great heart to make space for complete reality. If
you have one, it is not difficult to let it arrive there.
The complete reality is not something that you make up, it
is already there, from time immemorial.
Partial realities on the other hand are what you make up. They
arise and exist only until you are there.
You may ask, if I do not make up complete reality, how do I
create it within me?
My friends, good news is, the partial reality that you have
made up is part of complete reality already!
But complete reality cannot fit in to any partial reality,
therefore you need to expand your partial reality to meet the complete reality.
Can one feather make up a bird? But a feather is anyway part
of a bird.
A partial reality does not have space for another partial reality
as well.
But complete reality has space for all the partial realities
there are in the world.
Complete reality is like the bird that all the feathers make
up together.
My friends, when you expand your partial reality to meet
complete reality, you are making history!
Because complete reality has existed since time immemorial,
and it has had space for all partial realities that have existed since time
And it will have space for all partial realities to come in
the future.
Do you want to own just a part of a car, like a steering
wheel or the dashboard? Or would you rather own the whole car?
If you want the whole car, then you better get to know the
complete reality.
Just like owning part of a car does not get you anywhere, keeping only a partial reality is not going to get you anywhere!
Just like owning part of a car does not get you anywhere, keeping only a partial reality is not going to get you anywhere!
Thanks My Friends,
Please let me know of what you think of complete reality and partial realities,
Good Luck!
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