Hi my friends,
Can fire and water come together? Can black and white exist on the same spot? Can heat and cold both be one?
Or in other words, can a communist and a priest unite? Can a
thief and a saint have the same values? Can all political differences merge
into one?
In reality they all can. The unimaginably hostile worlds
come to secret agreement, totally contradictory natures become one, and those
who fight over their differences see the validity of what they fight for lost –
all these in the reality.
Because reality is an all involving, all permeating nature
overpowering all differences, making all one and nothing different.
Both the lion and deer stay side by side there, the earth
and sky becomes mingled and what more the past and future becomes- one and the
My friends, this is the nature of the reality, which
embraces all faces, which does not leave out any aspect but include them all.
And this is the great reality towards where we are all
marching, little by little at our own great or small pace.
We may not be there yet to see the view reality offers from its
viewpoint, but we have our own views and they may allow us to take a glance at
some aspects of the great reality.
However not yet arrived at the great reality where everything
becomes one, we rather see differences from our position.
We may not be able to
figure out how some totally contradictory natures can ever come together in reality,
but that is only the view from where we are.
We are at least lucky to know the presence of those aspects.
Therefore all our endeavors should be made towards knowing
the great reality where everything becomes one.
The oneness involving all differences is unfortunately beyond
our thinking capacity because we do all our thinking based on the limited facts
that we are familiar with, which we know as true.
These limited facts are only what we were lucky to lay our
hands on since we were born, and it is not unfair to know that with them we cannot afford to know all there is to know in the world.
One would say it is impossible to know all there is to know
in the world, many would believe that; yes it is true with our limited
knowledge, but my friends I would like to say, it is a well possible goal to know everything in the world!
It is possible though not easy since that knowledge lies in
another dimension.
In our known dimensions it is not possible to know all there
is to know in the way that we know things, and let me tell you we do not know
even the things that we think we know in there.
The knowledge that we profess in our present dimension is an
illusion, which keeps us well hypnotized and convinced that we know things.
Our present knowledge even suggests what there is still for
us to know, and gives us an idea of what great volume of knowledge there is out
there for us to know completely.
It also gives an idea of what knowledge is against our
knowledge, and how we could never reconcile.
And very interestingly we talk about this knowledge with
others and we think we agree with others on our and their knowledge; that we
are on the same page.
But what we do not know is, that we do not know even what we
think we know.
Then how would be the status of our knowledge on what is
there still for us to know?
Well my friends the way out of this puzzle of knowledge we
are in is not far.
It is very close and it is just a back door in the cage we
are in, an opening which leads us to knowledge of everything!
That is where
both good and bad come together, as well as water and fire, or enemies and
We only need to find out this back door and then come out of
the cage to see this real knowledge.
The real knowledge is not an illusion like our present
knowledge, and unlike our present knowledge, there are no contradictions in
it but everything mingles into same nature and every imaginable contradiction
becomes one.
It is free of all conflicts that the illusory knowledge
makes, and therefore there prevails only a great sense of peace in the real
We do not need to study a lot to get it, as studying is an
activity which makes use of our present illusory knowledge.
We only need to find the door out in the illusory cocoon and
knock it open, then we will naturally open ourselves to real knowledge, it does
not take much time, only a fraction of a second.
But in this fraction of a second we learn so much that all
the knowledge in the world collected together cannot match. It is something
which surpasses by far and wide the utility of worldly knowledge that we
possessed so far.
Thanks my friends and hope to talk more later on how to find this back door to knowledge!
Good Luck!
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