Nibbana 101 - What is a word?


We may call the path along the similarities the wordless path as it is against the constant stampede of words.

Prior to looking at the wordless realm let us take a look at the realm of words and what is represented by it in some detail.
What is a word?


A word is only a distinct code of a combination of sounds that can be made by different parts of mouth. There is a variety of sounds that can be so made and a word is only a certain way how some of these sounds can be lined up. This line up is used to denote objects.

Therefore a word is a convention among a group of people to specify an object. The object can be a physical object with a shape existing out there or it can be imaginary, existing conceptually. The words are used to label these objects. 

The way how these sounds are arranged to label an object does not have a direct relation to the object itself, it only has a symbolical value and a communal value by way of everyone agreeing on the word as signifying so and so object. If looked carefully, there is a great disparity between the word itself and the object signified by the word.

When a person utters a word it is able to create the impression agreed by the society using that word on another person of the same society. A society has a store of words that can be so used to give impressions to others. Now a question to pose is are these words absolute in denoting objects? Do they signify their objects precisely and exactly as their original versions ?

As conventions words do a great job in creating impressions among people and letting some manipulate the others. But it is not to be regarded that the words specify everything so life like and exact to another. There remain many grey areas in the meanings signified by words. 

For communication's sake words can be used dexterously by one to depict the best possible picture of actuality, however they are never able to convey the actuality itself.

It’s always a redesigned figure of actuality the words carry due to the inherent stereotype nature of them.

It’s like the ground to take an example. The surface of the earth is diverse in shape and in composition from every meter to meter or hundred yards to hundred yards.

The words are like place names ascribed to different localities, sites, villages etc. on earth. 

The place names may specify a certain point on earth and someone on the other side of it may be able to track the exact area down using the place name in a great vastness of places. Still the name remains a name and it is not able to give an exact picture of the area unless one looks for it using a tool such as an online map, or actually being there.

In the same way words are capable of specifying a certain area in the conceptual kingdom however being abstract notions they are not effective in giving the exact picture of the area with all the details of it as meant by the speaker.

There is a lot of grey area surrounding words and structures of words. One is not able to clear it unless one takes the trouble to specifically explore it. All notions that words convey is subject to this fact. They are not to be taken in the absolute sense but figuratively and with care.
With these faults present in them words may be still handy in everyday handlings of the world even though contributing to creating their own share of trouble due to their inherent uncertainty.

In the search for reality and union of everyone this fault of the words is profoundly felt. Words may serve as guidelines. But since they are irrelevant figures and do not represent one tenth of minds activity when explored into it. 

They are not able to do the job of observation. Only sharp observation is able to get familiar with the actual happenings of the mind and the areas which are not represented by the words of convention.

As words are at a failure to describe in exact form the progress through this direction we may talk about the path towards unification a wordless path. However it is possible to talk about it in figurative speech and those who may have had a look at this aspect may intrinsically know what is being meant by the writer.
