The greatest high- is it for me?

Hi my friends,

The purpose of my blog on the subject of enlightenment is to open eyes of those who are capable to this great aspect of life.  I want to point out that it is something beyond all borders such as culture, religion, age, gender, richness, poorness etc.

It is common to hear people talk about enlightenment as something bound by one border or the other. So you see people coming to you and saying, if you want to get to the highest goal you need to take up this or that lifestyle, or you need to convert to this or that religion, if you do not you will be lost leaving no way for you to get to the ultimate goal! 

Some would say real enlightenment is found only in their doctrine and anyone not joining it are hopelessly gone astray.


There may be some others who would say you have to be male or female to see the reality. 

My friends, if what you get as enlightenment is bound by either of these conditions, you can rest assured it is not the enlightenment you are presented with.  

If your spiritual goal is conditioned by this or that way of life, this or that way of discipline or this or that way of dress code, it is not the real thing you have, but something you made up among yourselves. 

The enlightenment is that safe place there is for everyone to run to when threatened by disaster, poor health, financial insecurity, fear from intimidation, slander, accusations and anything which we may call as an existential hazard. It gives strength to the weak; it can give good health to the sick and joy to the depressed if one can get in touch with it. 

It fills all those who come to it with the greatest reconciliation, so that you are not unhappy for this or that reason, but in the best form just as you are once you discover it. 

As a universally human phenomenon, another aspect of the enlightenment is it is expressed and understood from culture to culture using what may appear as totally different and contradictory concepts.

 It is present in every culture whether primitive or advanced as long as the members are human. 

However, unless one has confronted face to face with the enlightenment, one is not able to see that it’s the same experience which has taken different forms in different cultures. 


One would assume for a moment that this lofty state should get lots of interest from people, because the ultimate satisfaction has to be something very popular in a world where everyone is after satisfaction. 

But reality is, enlightenment remains a subject the least discussed in the world, hardly any considerable attention is ever given to it, and millions who are capable of seeing it spend their lives without ever having the slightest idea of its existence. 

Why is it so unpopular if it is supposedly such a wonderful state?  

Should not there be more interest for it, if it really possesses its greatness?

Well, my friends, the reality is people are already hopelessly after it.

 They may not be really after what I call the ‘Reality’ or the solution to all problems. But everyone is after solutions to their own personal problems. 

The answer to all problems may not be much appealing to them but they have their own specific issues that keep them going.

And in the same way they have specific pleasures to go after instead of the ultimate pleasure. 

When you put a video of a nice girl on the web there are thousands to watch it. But when you put a talk on the realization of reality hardly a hundred would take a look. 

The reality which is the best one can get in a life time!

My friends, this is because there are objects of intense attraction in the world, they get the attention of everyone, become popular among multitudes, and it does not take much effort for them to be popular.

If you look around, you see that these objects keep getting attention from the others, and multitudes spend their time worrying about these objects. 

Why do multitudes go after the objects of intense attraction?

Because they promise exactly what I say is promised by ultimate realization of Reality; total reconciliation and ultimate satisfaction.

 If both are right at your hand, why would you want to go after mystic teachings?

That question sounds fair. And the objects of intense attraction are always popular in the world. The actresses, models,  films, parties, money, booze whatever you name it. 

My friends it takes a bit of maturity for a person to enter the path of spirituality. The maturity lies beyond the objects of intense attraction. 

And to get to the level of maturity one needs to have well enjoyed the pleasures of objects of intense attraction.

So we may say the multitude of people have not yet well enjoyed the objects of intense attraction!?

What is the next stage after well enjoying? 

Only a person who has fully tasted the pleasures of intense attraction is able to see the limit these pleasures can take one as far as satisfaction goes. 

He sees the limit of reconciliation they can offer.

However those who have not fully tasted the pleasures of intense appeal and who are only with a smack of it do not see any possible higher goal beyond these pleasures.

It is indeed a small number of people who get to see beyond the objects of intense pleasure to have a presentiment of the presence of a higher pleasure. 

If the multitude knew it, they will be all after it without doubt. 

Therefore we may easily leave the multitude out in our spiritual considerations as they are still in the beginners’ stage of trying to get over their particular pleasures.

There is still room for them. 

How can one find out if one is ready for the higher pleasure or if one is still at a beginner’ level?

It is a difficult evaluation. Some would say being interested in religion is an indication but that is really not. Many may go after religion as just another object of intense appeal or as what we earlier called a particular pleasure and in that case, they are still at a beginner’s level.

Then there are those with no interest in religion and those who are immersed in the pleasures of the world but who are mature from within to see the reality beyond those pleasures.

No religious back ground is needed to see the reality. 

Religion is only a sham that represents anything but reality in its popular form. 

The reality requires a real detective’s work to spot it, and it is only for those mature people with a keen sense of alertness to find it out. 

While everyone is after pleasure of this or that kind, a reality seeker is a person who is after pleasure of a more solid nature. 

Exquisite and rare objects get the highest value in the world, while those of mass production has little regard and appreciation. 

In the same way a Reality seeker is a refined version of a pleasure hunter and only those who know him can appreciate his real value.

Thanks my friends!
