Religion or No Religion

While there can be only one spiritual goal for all humans on the basis of their common physical composition and mental dispositions in spite of minor differences such as color of the skin or language they speak, the many religions existing in the world today seem to point at totally different directions when it comes to their higher spiritual goal. 

Something precious left in garbage

This gives rise to a discussion whether religions are really helpful in orienting one towards the actual higher spiritual realms, in pointing to one those existing states of human spiritual development which are available to anyone today provided they do the needful to get there.

First let’s be clear about what is meant by ‘actual states of human development’ that are ‘available to anyone’ in the form of spiritual progress today. 
We could make use of few simple criteria in recognizing these.

The first would be any such state cannot be limited by national or cultural boundary.
Just as the effectiveness of a cure for a recognized malady has no regard for culture or language spoken by the patient in its working, any higher human state should have the same working on any human, in spite of superficial differences among them. 

The second criterion derives from the first. Although pretty obvious, let me state it specifically. Such a state cannot have only one culture-specific name to describe it. We cannot expect to have one absolute name to describe such a human wide state as it is not culture or nation specific. 

So the rational conclusion to take from this is, such a higher human state may be known by different cultures under different names and criteria worldwide.

And another aspect we need to expect is necessarily all the higher goals presented by religions will not agree with one another or overlay exactly upon the other to indicate that they all point out to ‘one’ thing. If they did, the world would have been a much more different place than what it is today. 

The third, and the most important aspect is, such a state should prove itself beyond doubt to the person who attains to it; that IT IS a higher spiritual state. This means that it should result in a clear shift for the better in the person subject to it in his understanding, social relationships as well as views and opinions so far held. Ideally speaking, the perfect higher spiritual state should result in total inner composure and perfect understanding with everyone who are human.

I had an interesting discussion with Nida on facebook regarding my earlier post on the ‘source’, when she asked if what religions do is only to block this higher achievement, by creating misconceptions about it, and most importantly by creating human sects which finally corner themselves to defend themselves and fight against other spiritual sects on the ground of spirituality.

Quite true. Religions are notorious in creating conflict and fanaticism, clouding the utter human spiritual elevation with their own sectarian set of symbols and denominations, misleading the unsuspecting follower into a corner filled with biased confusion of spiritual jargon.

Well, it will be helpful to throw some reflection on the context of the origin of a religion here.

Usually a certain ‘holy man’ is at the origin of a religion.  The sayings and deeds of the holy man will be at the center of the set up but these will be brought down from generation to generation by not so holy men, who prefer to pass down their own mark, logo at the same time glorified with a bit of self-esteem along with the holy man's message. These are however characteristics which are totally against any higher human message. So sadly the original message will be marred and a self-glorification will be the result after some generations in the name of a religion. 

Is the higher spiritual truth safer in the total absence of religions?

Well, this may be subject to controversy. What I feel is, even though blurred with symbolism and jargon, religions still remain a subject which directly refers to the higher spiritual potential of a human. Politics, economics or astronomy will not ever talk about this human aspect, and if you are ever interested in it, you need to turn to a religion for help.

But only you need to be careful, even though the essence is in the religion, it requires strenuous procedures of purification to single out the essence, and this is not for the ordinary individual, but for the one with a great heart and soul to separate the living message of higher human spirituality from the religious dustbin mostly filled with stinking garbage.
