What is the seven-fold path?

I am going to take you to the next level with the steps that I am about to count below. The next level is the next stage of development for the whole human civilization; that is to come in another five hundred to thousand years. My strong conviction right now is, if those of us living today become more and more sensible to this reality the approach of this era can become closer to the present day world.

This path is about integration, unity and knowledge – that basic gut feeling we are all equipped with. But which gets clouded by our diversions from the true nature which I call the reality. 

What is meant by ‘Diversions’?

If anything prevents us from seeing the basic reality of the commonness of all humans in the present world, it is in our ‘attachment’ to our ‘partial knowledge’. If we can see this reality, we are not far from the ultimate attainment a human mind can achieve, the highest state of consciousness. The ‘partial knowledge’ is the diversion. 

The partial knowledge is forced upon us by our surroundings including culture, family and tradition starting from the point of our birth. The first ten years of a human child is a receiving phase, where knowledge is collected from the immediate surroundings. The receiving happens regardless of the validity or the correctness of the information received. 

This has been true in the past, is true at present and will be true in the future. Therefore we may say it works as a cycle. Once collected this knowledge is cemented for a whole life and acts as the thick cloud preventing one from seeing the omnipresent reality of unity above it.
How can this cycle be broken so that in another five hundred years the society is much more enlightened than it is now?

It is only possible through an enlightening of the general knowledge that is shared unscrupulously by everyone after their birth.

The more enlightened and boundless the initial knowledge which is injected to a child in the first 10 years is, the more based on basic unity and integration that corresponds to omnipresent knowledge, the more enlightened that society is going to be, more closer to the highest state of consciousness.

This is the direction that things have to move on for an enlightened society. It is a society where people are gifted with acute sensibility of their unity and where they in turn think about the other in the same terms as they do of themselves. 

It is doubtful if this society has ever existed in the past, however the evolving of time means every day is a day of unprecedented lessons for the humanity, contributing its own level of development. The direction of the collective progress of human consciousness Is clearly aimed towards this end of total unity and integration. 

However the process of development seen in the world as a whole makes its progress in only miniscule steps, almost in a Nano level; however it is possible for an individual to set off the same process within her or him and in an individual level it can be much more accelerated than the pace it follows out there in the society. One can so to say move oneself into the future with this development and look at the present progress of the society from a future stand point.

This is exactly the same journey that is broken down into seven steps leading up to the full-actualization of oneself and world as the last step. A person who has reached up to this level easily becomes a ‘world teacher’ since she/he has accomplished a journey the whole world is marching towards in its own slow pace.

Non- Attachment – the first step

The following analysis of the path deals with the individual progress part of the journey, since that is what we are in the control of and can make the best use of as individuals. 

The first step may sound quite distasteful, to look suspiciously at your present knowledge and give it up. But if we want to see the new world with new eyes, this is something indispensable we need to do. If we do not give up our present conviction of what things are, we are naturally barred of any further progress. Because If we already know it, there is nothing new for us to know anymore. 

Our convictions are our present knowledge. This is the basis on which all our decisions are taken, and all our thinking is done. This is exactly that knowledge that was ‘forced upon’ us in our first 10 years after being born, which we accepted without verifications. 

Now is the time for verifications. Unfortunately our surrounding society is not so developed as to feed us with correct, verified and impartial knowledge. Rather it is full of biased, incorrect and false knowledge and this is what we have filled ourselves with unscrupulously in our once in a life time learning phase of our childhood. Now the question is whether we are to go on making our decisions and our thinking processes based on this questionable knowledge or are we ready for a full purge now that we are capable of it, to replace it with correct verified knowledge?

Non-attachment is a dynamic process. It is an on-the-job process which has to happen as and when the currently collected knowledge unfolds. As long as you are awake you have opportunity for non-attachment. It is a mental activity that requires quite a skill of discerning, and quite a skill of repetition. Cleansing of knowledge collected over years of the prime phase of your life, as a child, is not easy or short task. There is the need to drill deep down the unreliability of current knowledge with awareness until you see the traces of next level of development which we are going to discuss in the next post.
